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Google Tracking Events page for Automation Testing Practice


This page offers examples of tracking events that can be used on a website to monitor user behavior.
It is designed to help users practice and understand how these events work, and use this information to optimize their website's performance.

  • page_view: This event is fired whenever a page loads on your website.
  • click: This event is fired whenever a user clicks on a link or a button on your website.
  • submit: This event is fired whenever a user submits a form on your website.
  • conversion: This event is fired whenever a user completes a conversion goal on your website.
  • scroll: This event is fired whenever a user scrolls on your website.

Page View Event Tracking

You can track when a user views a page on your website using the page_view event. This can help you understand how many users are visiting your site and which pages they are most interested in. You can also use additional parameters to track the user's demographics and behavior.

Example Page

This is an example page for tracking the page_view event.

Click Event Tracking

Click events can be used to track when a user clicks on a link, button, or other interactive element on your website. The click event is triggered when the user clicks on the element, and you can specify additional parameters such as the event_category and event_label to help you analyze the data.

Example Button

Click the button below to trigger the click event.

Example Link

Click the link below to trigger the click event.

Click Me

Submit Event Tracking

Submit events can be used to track when a user submits a form on your website. The submit event is triggered when the user clicks the submit button, and you can specify additional parameters such as the event_category and event_label to help you analyze the data.

Example Form

Fill out the form below and click the submit button to trigger the submit event.

Conversion Event Tracking

Conversion events can be used to track when a user completes a valuable action on your website, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. The conversion event is triggered when the user completes the action, and you can specify additional parameters such as the event_category and event_label to help you analyze the data.

Example Conversion

Click the button below to simulate a completed conversion and trigger the conversion event.

Scroll Event Tracking

Scroll events can be used to track when a user scrolls down a certain percentage of the page. The scroll event is triggered when the user reaches the specified percentage, and you can specify additional parameters such as the event_category and event_label to help you analyze the data.

Example Scroll

Scroll down the page to trigger the scroll event.

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