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Data Tables page for Automation Testing Practice

Often times when you see a table it contains data which is sortable -- sometimes with actions that can be taken within each row (e.g. edit, delete). And it can be challenging to automate interaction with sets of data in a table depending on how it is constructed.

Example 1

No Class or ID attributes to signify groupings of rows and columns

Last Name First Name Email Due Web Site Action
Smith John jsmith@gmail.com $50.00 http://www.jsmith.com Edit Delete
Bach Frank fbach@yahoo.com $51.00 http://www.frank.com Edit Delete
Doe Jason jdoe@hotmail.com $100.00 http://www.jdoe.com Edit Delete
Conway Tim tconway@earthlink.net $50.00 http://www.timconway.com Edit Delete

Example 2

Class and ID attributes to signify groupings of rows and columns

Last Name First Name Due Web Site Action
Smith John $50.00 http://www.jsmith.com Edit Delete
Bach Frank $51.00 http://www.frank.com Edit Delete
Doe Jason $100.00 http://www.jdoe.com Edit Delete
Conway Tim $50.00 http://www.timconway.com Edit Delete