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Test Login page for Automation Testing Practice

This Test Login page is designed for automation testing practice. Test various positive and negative login scenarios in a testing environment.

You can use this login page for practicing with Selenium or other tools like Playwright, Cypress, etc.

Register here or Log in to the secure area with these credentials:

  • Username: practice
  • Password: SuperSecretPassword!

How to test the login page?

If the credentials are correct, you should see a welcome message; otherwise, you will see an error message.

The login feature is essential for secure websites and is commonly used. Automating the testing of various login scenarios, including different edge cases, is crucial to ensure reliability and security.

How Does Form-Based Authentication Work?

Take a look at this diagram and review the different steps:

How Does Form-Based Authentication Work

  • Step 1: A client requests access to a protected resource
  • Step 2: If the client is unauthenticated, the server redirects the client to a login page
  • Step 3: The client submits the login form to the server
  • Step 4: If the login succeeds, the server redirects the client to the resource. If the login fails, the client is redirected to an error page